
brief introduction
hfgel-120-0  is an organic derivative of a bentonite clay with high purity. this highly efficient rheology modifier is designed for low to medium to some part of high polarity organic systems. the proper solvent can be aliphatic hydrocarbon, esters, ketone, and benzene. if using the medium to high polarity solvent such as the xylene, xylene-esters (e.g. butyl acetate), or xylene-ketone (e.g. acetone), the hfgel-120-0 organic bentonite can be added as a dry powder for in-situ dispersion and activation without the addition of activator. if using the low polarity solvent such as 200# solvent or white oil, the hfgel-120-0 organic bentonite need the help of activator for fully dispersion and activation. the activator can be 95% alcohol, typical levels range between 30-40% activator based on organic bentonite weight. the performance of hfgel-120-0 is similar to claytone 40, claytone ht, tixogel vz, bentone 38, 34,57,1000.
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